When in a party, the crew members follow players. Players can talk to crew members on their ship to add them to their party. In addition to recruiting colonists, there are two other ways to acquire crew members: You can break this down along racial lines as well, for example, decorating a home with lots of Apex machinery will generate an Apex Electrician tenant. scientific furniture will result in some manner of researcher, while weapon's crates and military objects will spawn a guard. You can "influence" what type of tenant you will receive by putting furnishings relevant to their profession in a dwelling before placing a colony deed. Miniknog Researcher, Hazmat Scientist & Scientist Tenants: This is what we in the gaming world might call "a hint." You'll note there are twelve slots for crew members, and twelve different types of crew. Even Mechanics and Engineers have savagely diminishing returns for recruiting more than one. It's best to take a balanced selection of crew members - you gain very little for having multiples of the same variety. Penguin Mercenary: Fighter, uses two different pistols. Janitor: Fighter, uses daggers or pistols in combat. Outlaw: Fighter, uses a broadsword or a shotgun in combat. Soldier: Fighter, uses broadsword or an assault rifle in combat. Tailor: Changes the uniforms of the crew to the player's cosmetic effects. Mechanic: Increases ship fuel efficiency by 10%. Engineer: Increases ship travel speed by 10%. Yellow Chemist: Grants a 90 second light boost - permanent while aboard ship. Orange Chemist: Grants a 30 second damage boost - permanent while aboard ship. Green Chemist: Grants a 30 second run boost - permanent while aboard ship. Blue Chemist: Grants a 30 second jump boost - permanent while aboard ship. Medic: Grants a 30 second regeneration boost - permanent while aboard ship.